KOMF appreciates the beginning of the pilot process for the reform of the social assistance scheme

KOMF appreciates the beginning of the pilot process for the reform of the social assistance scheme

KOMF appreciates the beginning of the pilot process for the reform of the social assistance scheme by the Ministry of Finance, which deals with discrimination in the current scheme.

The new piloted scheme removes the discrimination that exists with the current scheme, not excluding from the scheme families who do not have children under 5 years old. Now, vulnerable families will have the opportunity to apply to be included in the new social assistance scheme.

For consecutive years, KOMF has requested the removal of this discriminatory criterion in the Law on Social Assistance, which states that the family must have at least one child under the age of 5 to benefit from the social assistance scheme, precisely when the child must start schooling and consequently, the family will have even greater expenses.

Therefore, the removal of this criterion within the piloting process of the Social Assistance Scheme is considered a positive step, which will affect the support of children and families for healthy development and the development of their full potential.