KOMF meets with the Academy of Law regarding the curriculum for children

KOMF meets with the Academy of Law regarding the curriculum for children

KOMF is supporting the drafting of the training Curriculum for children for the justice system for children within the Academy of Law.

Today, a joint meeting was held between KOMF, the Academy of Justice, and UNICEF in Kosovo, where the draft of the training curriculum for children in the criminal and civil fields was presented.

The overall aim of the Curriculum is to strengthen the child and juvenile justice system in Kosovo, and to increase the knowledge and skills of legal professionals regarding children’s rights, juvenile justice and legal procedures affecting them.
Access to justice for all children!

This meeting takes place within the framework of the project “Strengthening access to justice system for girls and boys, through delivery of the capacity building programme on diversion and education measures for justice for children professionals in Kosovo”, which is implemented by KOMF and is financially supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo and UNICEF.