10 September 2020
KOMF mbajti takimin e radhës të Grupit Tematik për Arsim. In this meeting it was discussed about the starting of the education process and the promotion of the platform “aferfemijes” and the priorities and next steps for the rights of children in education.
Members in particular discussed the mental health of children aggravated during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main decisions were:
- KOMF through member organizations to conduct monitoring in schools regarding school conditions and compliance with measures to prevent Covid-19 virus;
- KOMF to make a reaction before the start of the learning process regarding the mental health of children;
- KOMF through member organizations working with children and families in need to identify cases that need technological devices to have access in online education and advocate that equipment to be distributed to these children;
- KOMF to promote the website “afer femijes” through meetings (zoom platform) with professionals, parents and children;
- KOMF to publish a promotion video about the content of the site “afer femijes” and broadcast it on television and social media in order to promote the site as much as possible.
In this meeting participated the members of the Thematic Group on Education: Kosovo Education Center – KEC, SOS Kindergarten, SOS Children’s Villages in Kosovo, Education Comes First, Ideas Partnership, Center for Advanced Studies – FIT, Save the Children and Terre des hommes.
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