KOMF visited the foster family in Fushë Kosovë

KOMF visited the foster family in Fushë Kosovë

1 June 2021

KOMF visited the foster family of Shahe and Fahri Sinani in Fushe Kosova which since several years now, fosters one child without parental care, with disabilities. During this visit the foster parents talked about the story, feelings, and pleasure they have in this difficult but noble mission. KOMF representatives also talked to the girl who is fostered who showed the big love she has for the family and the two parents. The foster family shared also the difficulties they have such as the challenges of the system to register the girl in school due to her disability.

In Kosovo there are 40 foster families that foster children without parental care and do everything to fulfill the needs of these children.

Foster families need the support of government and municipalities. They need to enjoy social benefits such as the recognition of work experience, exemption from municipal obligations and health expenses. Municipal institutions need to engage to integrate services in order to ensure children with disabilities have access to school, quality health and social services.

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