Thematic Group on Education and Youth with initiative “KOMF travels to schools”

Thematic Group on Education and Youth with initiative “KOMF travels to schools”

KOMF held a meeting of the Thematic Group on Education and Youth at the premises of the Day Center for children in street situations and child labor of Terre des hommes – Kosovo in Prishtina.

The purpose of the meeting was to determine the main issues to be addressed in the field of education, with a focus on child protection in schools and inclusion. The meeting provided an update on the implementation of the Child Protection Policy in educational institutions and the next steps, a process supported by Terre des hommes, where up to 6,000 teachers are expected to be trained in the implementation of the Child Protection Policy by the end of the year.

The member organizations planned the initiative “KOMF travels to schools”, where they will carry out discussions and monitoring in schools (sessions with students, teachers and parents).

Another important point was to provide inputs into the process of supplementing and amending the Administrative Instruction on the Establishment and Operation of Learning Centers, in order to ensure the sustainability of these centers.

While the establishment of the MEGAFON Program within KOMF for the activism of children and youth is expected soon.

The members also had the opportunity to see up close the work and services offered at the Day Center for children in street situations and hard labor.