KOMF and KPM sign the Joint Declaration regarding the protection of children in the media

KOMF and KPM sign the Joint Declaration regarding the protection of children in the media

Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF and the Independent Media Commission – KPM signed the Joint Declaration regarding the protection of children in the media.

The purpose of this statement is to ensure successful cooperation and interaction between the Independent Media Commission, the Press Council of Kosovo and the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF, for the protection of children in the media. Through this statement, it is intended to strengthen the respect of children’s rights in the media in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Law No. 06/l-084 on Child Protection, Law No. 04/l-44 for the Independent Media Commission and the by-laws of the KPM, the Press Code of the KMSHK as well as the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This statement was signed at the discussion table “Protection of children in the media”, where participated representatives from KPM, TDHK, KMSHK, AGK, RTK, UP, KOMF, Ombudsperson Institution of Republic of Kosovo, Office for Good Governance and Information and Privacy Agency. The roundtable was supported by the organization Terre des Hommes Kosova.