KOMF submits proposals for child protection to parliamentary candidates, calling for commitment and support

KOMF submits proposals for child protection to parliamentary candidates, calling for commitment and support

Coalition of NGOs for Chil Protection – KOMF, has launched a campaign to find “Child Rights Defenders” among the candidates running for the national elections on February 9, 2025. The campaign urges parliamentary candidates from all political parties to join KOMF’s proposal for the establishment of a “Group of MPs for Children” and to support policies focused on the well-being of children.

The well-being of every child in Kosovo is a cross-party issue and must be a priority for the Assembly. The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo should be the main guarantor of the best opportunities for every child. Therefore, we call on parliamentary candidates to become defenders of children’s rights, sign a Declaration committing to support children in Kosovo, and, through this, become part of the “Group of MPs for Children” after the February 9 elections. The informal group aims to gather MPs from different political parties who share the view that policies for children and families should be a priority.

With the initiative “Group of MPs for Children,” we, the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection, call for consensus and constructive work between the Assembly members and civil society. We believe that together we can achieve positive changes in policies for children and families, and we will continue working toward this goal.

To download the declaration of commitment, click here.