KOMF awards annual prizes in journalism and annual acknowledgements “Friend of Children”, with focus on children’s rights and protection

KOMF awards annual prizes in journalism and annual acknowledgements “Friend of Children”, with focus on children’s rights and protection

Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF awards the annual prizes on best media stories and annual acknowledgements “Friend of Children”, in the field of social protection and social services decentralization, with focus on child rights in Kosovo, for 2021.

This year KOMF awards six annual prizes in journalism for child protection and four annual acknowledgements “Friend of Children” 2021 for individuals or entities who have contributed to social services and child protection. The Evaluation Panel consisting of: Evliana Berani – journalist, Lulejete Prekazi – psychologist and Imer Mushkolaj – journalist, has selected six journalists to award with the annual prize 2021 in the field of media, as follows:

  • Arbisa Shefiku from Kallxo.com, with: “Ngacmimi seksual në Malishevë” (sexual harassment in Malisheva), wins the Annual Award 2021.
  • Ardita Rashiti from T7, with: “Qendrat për mësim shtesë rrezikojnë të mbyllen” (learning centers at risk of closure), wins the Annual Award 2021.
  • Blerta Ahmeti from Albanian Post, with: “Të vetmuar së bashku” (Together alone), wins the Annual Award 2021.
  • Dilaver Polisi from Kohavizion, with: “Tregimi inspirues i futbollistit gjilanas, Enis Xhemaili” (Inspiring story of the football player from Gjilan, Enis Xhemaili), wins the Annual Award 2021.
  • Fitim Gashi from Koha Ditore, with: “Të pastrehët e pandemisë” (the pandemic homeless) wins the Annual Award 2021.
  • Valon Fana from Kallxo.com with: “Dyshime për keqpërdorim të të dhënave të fëmijëve kosovarë nga organizata World Vision” (Doubts for the misuse of Kosovar children data from organization World Vision), wins the Annual Award 2021.

The Evaluation Panel for the nominations “Friend of Children”, consisting of: Blerta Perolli Shehu – University of Prishtina, Zana Zeqiri – SHFMU “Meto Bajraktari” and Dren Rexha UNICEF Office in Kosovo, has awarded four annual acknowledgements “Friend of Children 2021”, for four personalities who during 2021 have offered support and contributed for the protection and wellbeing of vulnerable children.

Acknowledgements ware awarded as follows:

  • Foster family Myrvete and Liman Qarri from Shtime, is awarded the Annual Acknowledgement “Friend of Children 2021”, for fostering of more than 40 children without parental care at their home, throughout 16 years.
  • Floriana Bajrami, is awarded the Annual Acknowledgement “Friend of Children 2021”, for the support provided to cover medical needs for children.
  • Art Qelaj, is awarded the Annual Acknowledgement “Friend of Children 2021”, for the help and support toward children with Down Syndrome.
  • Singer Dafina Zeqiri, is awarded the Annual Acknowledgement “Friend of Children 2021”, for the help and support toward children with autism.

KOMF thanks all the winners, journalists and Friends of Children, individuals, corporates, partners and associates, who continuously and in an unsparing manner demonstrate will and engagement in supporting the community and above all children, toward the noble mission of the protection of their rights.

The award of the annual prizes in the field of social protection and social services decentralization, with focus on child rights in Kosovo for 2021, is made possible through the project “Joint Action for Decentralization” funded by the European Union, managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection – KOMF in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages Kosovo, Organization for Children without Parental Care – OFAP and KMOP.

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