KOMF established the Thematic Group on Early Childhood Development

KOMF established the Thematic Group on Early Childhood Development

KOMF established the Thematic Group on Early Childhood Development, which will aim to advocate, monitor and raise awareness of early childhood development. The meeting was held at the premises of the Down Syndrome Kosovo and Autism member organizations.

The purpose of the meeting was to establish the Group based on the KOMF Needs Assessment Report. The members elected Hana Zylfiu Haziri from the Kosovo Education Center as the Chairperson of the Early Childhood Development Group.

The Thematic Group on Early Childhood Development will draw on the expertise of member organizations working on early childhood development in the fields of protection, health and education, as well as partners. Some of the areas of action of the Topic Group on Early Childhood Development will include:

– Advocacy for increased investment in early childhood development, parenting education, development of programs and services for good parenting, health and nutrition during the early years, access to health care services, immunization, early screening for developmental delays, early intervention for children with disabilities, etc.
– Monitoring the implementation of legislation on early childhood development.
– Community awareness and awareness of the importance of early childhood development.

The group is expected to expand with representatives from the University, faculties, partner organizations, community-based kindergartens, organizations in the field of health, defense and education.

This meeting was supported of the “SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans” regional project implemented by the Centar za promociju civilnog društva (CPCD), Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) and Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) and financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).