KOMF starts the monitoring process of social services for 2021

KOMF starts the monitoring process of social services for 2021

The Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF has started implementing the monitoring of Social Services, for 2021. Currently, interviews are being held with representatives of the Centers for Social Work, representatives of the Directorates for Social Welfare, of the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers and non-governmental organizations providing social services in seven municipalities of Kosovo. The municipalities in which the monitoring is taking place are: Prishtina, Fushe Kosova, Lipjan, Peja, Ferizaj, Prizren and the Municipality of Kamenica.

Monitorimi i procesit të shërbimeve sociale për vitin 2021, ka si qëllim kryesor pasqyrimin e gjendjes aktuale të shërbimeve sociale. Të gjeturat nga monitorimi dhe rekomandimet përkatëse, do të reflektohen në raportin e monitorimit të shërbimeve sociale, i cili do të publikohet dhe do të jetë në dispozicion të të gjithë akterëve relevant.

The main purpose of monitoring the social services process for 2021 is to reflect the current state of social services. The monitoring findings and relevant recommendations will be reflected in the social services monitoring report, which will be published and made available to all relevant stakeholders.

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