Sexual education is a fundamental aspect of the development and well-being of children and young people, directly impacting their physical, emotional, and mental health. Such education is crucial in helping them understand physical changes, relationships, responsibilities, and personal boundaries, thereby enhancing their ability to protect themselves from risks and empowering them to make healthy and informed choices.
In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, particularly Article 17, which obliges states to ensure children’s access to information and materials from diverse sources for their social and moral benefit, sexual education is a guaranteed right for children. Additionally, Article 19 requires states to take all necessary measures to protect children from all forms of violence and abuse, including educational measures to help them be informed and protected.
In this context, KOMF supports the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) in integrating sexual education into Kosovo’s pre-university education system. This integration also reflects obligations stemming from the Law on Child Protection in Kosovo, where Article 7 affirms every child’s right to protection from all forms of violence, abuse, and exploitation, as well as the right to access inclusive and quality education, including health and sexual education.
Moreover, the benefits of sexual education in schools are numerous and include: Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases; Prevention of unintended pregnancies; Reduction in abortion rates; Prevention of child abandonment and Prevention of early marriages.
Given the importance of sexual education for children and the issues raised in recent days, KOMF calls for the review and revision of textbooks, handbooks, and any other materials contributing to achieving outcomes in this field. This will eliminate potential misunderstandings and varying interpretations among professionals implementing these materials. It is also essential for these textbooks, handbooks, and materials to be accessible to children with disabilities, including tailored guidelines and accessible formats for them.
No movement aiming to remove sexual education from our schools should be allowed. Such an action would not only deny a fundamental right of every child to be informed and protected but would also distance us from the principles of the European Union.
As a society, we must not allow our children to be deprived of the right to information and the prevention of violence and sexual abuse. Education based on human rights and sexual health is essential to prepare them for safe relationships and to lay the foundation for their healthy emotional and social development.
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