Training of Trainers on the topic “Good Governance in Organizations”

Training of Trainers on the topic “Good Governance in Organizations”

KOMF has started the implementation of the “Capacity Building Program of KOMF and its member organizations”. In this direction, the Training of Trainers of the first module “Good Governance in Organizations”, designed within the Capacity Building Program was held,

During the two-day training, topics related to legislation of NGO governance, accountability, structure and role of structures, governance vs. management and responsible mobilization of resources, broad policies, regulations for financial management, procurement, human resources and fundraising were addressed.

“The Capacity Building Program of KOMF and member organizations”, was designed by KOMF with the aim of supporting the increase of the capacities of member organizations and KOMF. This program contains four modules, where two-day trainings will be organized for each of them. The modules included in the program are: “Good Governance in Organizations”, “Policy and Procedures for Child Protection”, “Advocacy and Communication” and “Fund Raising”.

The Capacity Building Program of KOMF and its member organizations is supported by the regional project “SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Common Values ​​in the Western Balkans” implemented by Centar za promeno sevla društva (CPCD) in cooperation with the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM). , and the Center for Research and Policymaking (CRPM) and financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).