1 June 2021
On occasion of the 1st of June – International Children’s Day, KOMF held a Press Release in front of the building of the Government of Kosovo, sharing the facts regarding the bad situation of children in Kosovo, introducing the requests and appealing toward the Prime Minister and Government to address them.
2020 is considered to be the most difficult year among the last 20 years, in terms of social welfare in Kosovo. This due to Covid-19 which has deteriorated the situation of children in Kosovo, especially the situation of vulnerable children. The long isolation and difficult living conditions have increased violence against children, number of children without parental care and deteriorated the situation of children with disabilities. Crisis and isolation have deteriorated the mental health of children, thus their support is a must.
KOMF shared some facts regarding children in Kosovo:
𝟐𝟐.𝟖% of children live in poverty, 𝟕.𝟐% of them live in extreme poverty.
• 𝟕𝟐% of children are reported to be disciplined with violence.
• 𝟓% of children are involved in hazardous labor.
• Only 𝟏𝟓% of children aged 3-4 attend programs for education in early childhood.
• “PISA” ranked Kosovo in the 𝟕𝟔th position, among 78 countries involved in testing, showing a low quality level in education.
• Investments in health are among the lowest in the region. 𝟒𝟎% of health expenditures are paid from the pocket of citizens. Supply with medication is not regular, seriously endangering the health of children.
• Only 𝟑𝟖% of children living in the communities, are completely vaccinated.
• Only 𝟏% of the total central budget, is allocated for social services. Social service providers continuously risk closure of services due to lack of sustainable financing.
• 𝟖% of children aged 7-12 are reported to have functional difficulties in at least one domain and only 10% of children with disabilities benefit from social and health services. From 43.000 children with disabilities, only 𝟓,𝟑𝟎𝟎 attend the regular schools in Kosovo.
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